الإعلام الآلي هو علم يسمح بمعالجة المعلومات بطريقة آلية باستعمال الحاسوب وإتباع برنامج مخزن مسبقا ويعتمد على جزأين أساسيين هما:
العتاد (بالإنجليزية Hardware) والبرمجيات (بالإنجليزية Software).
بحيث يساعد هذا المقياس الطالب على تحرير البحوث أو المذكرات المنجزة خلال مساره الجامعي وتنظيم وثائقه البيداغوجية كأستاذ للتربية البدنية والرياضية في المستقبل، وهو موجه لطلبة السنة الأولى ماستر بمعهد التربية البدنية والرياضية لجامعة الجزائر 3.
Attempting to define in a few lines or introduce the subject of English in the field of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STPSA) and the reason for teaching it to students in the first year master’s class, all specialities included, is not necessarily just a matter of political will or decision, but rather a pragmatic scientific reflection. So what would make more sense here is to know what more can be gained from teaching English as a subject in the Physical and Sports Education (PSE) curriculum.

As communication and openness to the world include the mastery of foreign languages, English is one of them. The first aim of the latter is to reinforce, like the other subjects to be taught, the student’s prerequisites. The second aim is to enable students of STPSA to learn English in a different way, to live it and play with it on sports grounds, in English classes or other courses and particularly in the research field.

So the idea here is to give meaning to interdisciplinary acquisitions and to implement the transversality of learning. How?

During English lessons, we will be able to work on the vocabulary related to PSE, the instructions of a physical and sports activity in English, which will be reinvested during the PSE lessons. In other words, the physical and sports activity fosters the reinvestment of English language structures tackled in the classroom by using repetition and systematisation in a real context of communication.

And as a final goal, the teaching of English tends to help the STPSA students adopt scientific communication in English during international conferences or symposia, especially when their level of the language is very poor.